Puskas Baznas with Directorate of Distribution BAZNAS attended the invitation of Asian Muslim Charity Foundation (AMCF) to strengthen cooperation between two institutions. From the AMCF was attended by AMCF Chairman Shaykh Mohammed M.T Khoori (Dubai, UAE). While from Baznas was attended by Director of Distribution, Mr. Nasir Tajang.

In this meeting, Shaykh Khoory explained that the AMCF from 1990 had operated in Indonesia on da'wah missions. Today, AMCF has had dozens of Islamic colleges spread from Aceh to Papua, for example in Jakarta AMCF have Uthman bin Affan College, in Bandung is Al-Imarat College, in Papua is Bilal College, in Solo is Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq, etc. He explained that the daily process of teaching and learning of this colleges is using the Arabic language.

Until 2017, the AMCF expanded its da'wah idea, which previously has been oriented towards thickening of souls (ruhiyah), which is religious development and religious knowledge. However now AMCF extends its da'wah mission to the role of how can respond as well to their basic needs. So that, in its one year, AMCF has established two AMCF Humanitarian Centre, in Bandung (representing West Java area) and Malang (representing East Java area), this year AMCF targeted has six branches.

This AMCF Humanitarian Centre for isolated and impoverished areas of the poor and or in the confidential areas of belief, both from Christianity and heretical missions. Interestingly, this centers has two services: (1) The ground service, which is in the process of carrying out of the aids supporting by cars; and (2) Aquatic service, which is in the process of carrying out of aids supported by machine ship (currently AMCF has two machine ships to reach remote areas, and will add four of this year).

After getting explanations and explanations from Shaykh Khoory, BAZNAS interested in further strengthening cooperation, seeing that many a common vision-mission in serving the ummah.

(rep: MH)