Located on the highest plateau in the Saketi sub-district, Pandeglang district, Parigi Village is a village that rich in natural resources that make it fertile with a variety of plants. Most of the villagers rely on crops from plants that grow in their fields and in their gardens. The large number of crops which is produced by Parigi villagers are cloves, coconut, durian, and bananas.

At the time when clove harvested, all the villagers feel the same joy as clove has a good selling price which is in the range of Rp 70,000 - Rp 80,000 per kilo for dry cloves. Although not every family has clove trees, the resident will get an order either to harvest or to dry it.

In addition, coconut which is produced in the village is marketed directly to middlemen or bought by other sellers. The villagers still have a view that it is better to sell directly because they will immediately get money for their shopping. They still do not know how to process their crops further to add values to their products.

However, in some households there are those who have produced banana chips. Marketing of banana chips products is still in the village of Parigi and its surroundings. The marketing area coverage of the banana chips should be expanded. Furthermore, the skills of the people must be enhanced regarding production, packaging, and even more strategic marketing expansion.

Rep: www.puskasbaznas.com