Islamic Social Finance on a Remote Village: A Proposal by Prof. Dr. Raditya Sukmana SE., MA | The 4th International Conference of Zakat 2020 Aftermovie | INDEKS LITERASI ZAKAT 2020 | Zakat Literacy Index 2020 | How well Zakat as Islamic Social Finance is able to address the impact of Covid-19 ? |
IED Qurban Amid Covid-19 Pandemic in Practitioners Perspective - World Zakat Forum Webinar | Strengthening Research for Global Zakat Development - World Zakat Forum Internation Webinar | Bangun Daerah dengan Ekonomi Syariah | The Importance of Teaching Zakat at University | World Zakat Forum International Webinar | Islamic Social Finance Report 2020 | World Zakat Forum International Webinar |