On Thursday, April 23 2020 Puskas BAZNAS held an Online FGD regarding the Zakatnomics Development Index. Zakatnomics is considered zakat economic values which are implemented with the spirit of zakat within various economic sectors such as agriculture, mining, manufacturing, and trades and services. The development of this index is the result of the current research that is a collaboration between Puskas BAZNAS and CV Smart Consulting.

The FGD was held via Google Meets and invited reliable sources such as Prof. Dian Masyita, SE. MT,Ph.D; Dr. Ir. Ascarya MBA, MSc; and Rahmatina A Kasri, Ph.D. All three sources contributed insights and suggestions towards the current development of the index. Insights such as how and why an index should always create a definition derived from the dimension which will further be translated into an indicator and why using reliable and specific sources are important are among several of the dicusssions which surfaced during the FGD.

The Zakatnomics Development Index will continue to be improved by both Puskas BAZNAS and CV Smart Consulting. A second FGD to decide the weight of each indicator will be held soon. The Index is expected to create a measurement tool that not only covers aspects of zakat and economic values but also spiritual values.


Rep: Puskas BAZNAS