In order to create a comprehensive index, Puskas BAZNAS and Central Bank of Indonesia conducted a Focus Group Discussion on the Implementation of Zakat Core Principle Index on 18 June 2020. ZCP is expected to be used widely by all zakat institutions covering both the BAZ and LAZ. Both types of OPZ have their own characteristics, so this index needs to get input from both institutions in order to be implemented well. Both types of these zakat institutions have their own distinguished characteristics, so this index needs to capture the perspectives from both institutions so the implementation can be widely accepted and referred.

In this FGD, Puskas arranged the FGD which the participants came from LAZ representatives after the prior FGD was conducted with BAZ. The FGD participants was consisted of representatives from Dompet Dhuafa, Rumah Zakat, Indonesian Zakat Initiative, Solo Care, and Dompet Amanah Sedati Sidoarjo. The FGD which was carried out through the Zoom platform discussed the ZCP indicators that will be tested. The discussion is important to examine whether the indicators that are constructed are feasible and applicable for LAZ.

The FGD generated many ideas and distinct input from all participants. Some representatives of the LAZ suggest their view so that the indicators in the ZCP could be adjusted to capability of their LAZ. Moreover, FGD participants also proposed additional indicators that could describe the ZCP dimension in more comprehensive perspective. The result of the FGD is expected to improve indicators and ZCP implementation index.


Rep: Puskas BAZNAS