Zakat Expo is an innovative activity in a series of Indonesian Zakat Conferences (ICONZ) initiated by the Republic of Indonesia's National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS RI). In this activity, an exhibition of the Zakat Empowerment Program will be held along with mustahik products assisted by the zakat program.
This event will be held on:
Time: Wednesday, November 30 - Thursday, December 1 2022
Place: UIN Walisongo Semarang
Good news for Regional BAZNAS and LAZ, who want to open your booth at this event with a contribution fee of IDR 3,000,000 (LIMITED SLOTS)
Registration Link:
Registration Deadline Saturday, November 26, 2022
Seminar Contact Person:
- Hendri Setiyo Wibowo (+62 812 1215 8229)
- Mutiara Sakinah (+62 813 8284 4806)
Booth booking contact:
Sarah Hilma (+62 838 1131 2426)
Rep: Puskas BAZNAS