Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah (ZIS) have great potential that expected to be an alternative solution for alleviating poverty in Indonesia. The Government supports this zakat potential collection by issuing Law No. 23 of 2011 about the Zakat's management.
Twenty-two years after BAZNAS was established by RI Presidential Decree No. 8 of 2001, BAZNAS continues to adhere to the three main principles namely 3 Aman (3A): Aman Syar’i, Aman Regulasi, and Aman NKRI. These principles must be implemented at the national level and become a benchmark for all BAZNAS and LAZ across Indonesia at any level.
Based on this issue, The second day of the 22nd BAZNAS Anniversary webinar (01/26/2023) specifically dealt with the 3A principles. The webinar was opened and led by Deputy II for Distribution and Utilization, Dr. H.M. Imdadun Rahmat, M.Sc as the moderator.
For the first session, the Distribution and Utilization Leader of BAZNAS RI, Mrs. Hj. Saidah Sakwan, MA., pointed out the Urgention of 3A in Indonesia’s Zakat Management. Followed by the Director of Empowerment of Zakat and Waqf of the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Drs. H. Tarmizi Tohor, M.M., who explained the strategy to strengthen Aman Syar’i, Aman Regulasi, and Aman NKRI in governance. Then, the MUI Chairman for Fatwa, Prof. Dr. H.M. Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh, MA., discussed more 3A Principles from the perspective of Sharia law. In the final session, the Director of Deradicalization of the National Agency of Counterterrorism (BNPT), Brigjen (Pol) R Ahmad Nurwakhid SE., MM., expressed his appreciation for Principle 3A from BAZNAS. The webinar ended with a discussion and Q&A session. Thus the second day of the webinar left an impression and insights for all the participants.