On the 3rd day, the theme of the webinar was related to the ideal collaboration of taxes and zakat in poverty alleviation. The target participants in this session were more focused on professionals in the Zakat Management Institution (LPZ), especially those from BAZNAS and LAZ, as well as academics. A total of 94 participants took part in this session. Present as host Dion Saputra Arbi (DKPN staff) as well as event moderator Dr. Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal (Director of Research and Development) along with four speakers who shared their knowledge, experience and expertise with all webinar participants.
The first and second sessions were opened by Dr. Dodik Siswantoro (Lecturer at the University of Indonesia) and Dr. H. Muhammad Bahrul Ilmie, S.Ag., M.Hum (Lecturer at the Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic Institute/IAI NU) as the first and second speakers. Both convey views on the ideal collaboration of tax and zakat from an academic point of view. The webinar activity continued into the third session with Mr. Assoc. Prof. Agus Fanar Syukri, Ph.D as (Senior Researcher at BRIN) who delivered material on zakat and tax management from a researcher's point of view. he delivered that in fact taxes and zakat can be used simultaneously in accordance with their respective interests. The last session was closed by the speaker Mr. Ferry Afi Andi, S.ST., M.Sc., M.A. (Young Expert Policy Analyst, Ministry of Finance). Pak Ferry said that taxes and zakat have the same use but are not the same. He was urged to be used simultaneously, where taxes focus on development and poverty alleviation, while zakat focuses on poverty alleviation.