Tuesday, May 2, 2023, the last day of the Brainstorming of Operational Standards and Procedures (SOP) for BAZNAS in South Kalimantan, Riau Islands, Papua, Yogyakarta, Central Java, and Jambi regions which are regions under the supervision of the Head of BAZNAS RI, Saidah Sakwan, M.A. This event has been held in all Regional BAZNAS regions from March to May 2023. SOP brainstorming is the initial delivery and socialization as the first series carried out by the Planning, Study and Development Division in terms of standardizing SOPs nationally to all Regional BAZNAS. There are several standardized SOPs, including Collection SOPs, Distribution SOPs, Procurement and Household Affairs (URT) SOPs, Financial SOPs, Information Technology (IT) SOPs, Internal Audit SOPs and Leadership SOPs.
SOP is one of the assessment benchmarks prepared by BAZNAS RI and is a standardization to increase institutional value because all government institutions must have an assessment report in the context of strengthening BAZNAS institutions. Therefore, BAZNAS RI makes SOPs that are prepared and ratified so that they can then be used by all BAZNAS. The SOP will be a guide and reference for BAZNAS to work in carrying out its duties as a zakat management institution.
Prof. (HC) Zainulbahar Noor, S.E., M.Ec. as the Head of Planning, Study and Development said in his speech that if the SOP had been ratified by Prof. Noor Ahmad, MA. as a Chairman of BAZNAS RI through a Plenary Meeting, the SOP will legally become a BAZNAS SOP and can be used by all Regional BAZNAS. Meanwhile, if there are things that cannot be adjusted by the Regional BAZNAS, the Regional BAZNAS can submit a revised the SOP to adjust the SOP to the needs of the Regional BAZNAS so that its use can be maximized. For Regional BAZNAS that already have SOPs before the ratification of this BAZNAS SOP, they can adjust the BAZNAS SOP that they already have and implemented by the Regional BAZNAS.
For SOPs that want to be adjusted to the SOPs of their respective Regional BAZNAS, Regional BAZNAS can immediately adjust them. This was confirmed by Ahmad Hambali as a Director of the Directorate of Planning. SOPs will also continue to be evaluated regularly by BAZNAS RI and the auditors. Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal, Ph.D as Director of the Directorate Studies and Development, also explained that the SOP helps all BAZNAS to carry out their duties and functions simultaneously and standardized. This is done to strengthen the institutions of BAZNAS RI and BAZNAS throughout the region.