BAZNAS RI held a coordination meeting with IAI Tazkia regarding the implementation of the Zakat Waqf Online University (Zawouni) on Friday, May 5th, 2023. Zawouni is an e-learning platform to enhance human resources in zakat and waqf management both at local and global levels.

This meeting was directly attended by Prof. (HC) Dr. Zainulbahar Noor, SE, M.Ec as Secretary General of World Zakat and Waqf Foum (WZWF); Dr. Ardhariksa Zukhruf Kurniullah, M.Med.Kom (Rector of IAI TAZKIA)—Online; Mr. Abdul Azis Ibrahim, Lc, MA., Ph.D (Deputy Chancellor for Innovation and Cooperation of IAI Tazkia)—Online; Mr. Wiku Suryomurti, Ph.D (Dean of FEBS and Postgraduate Program at IAI Tazkia); Mr. Muhammad Hasbi Zaenal, Ph.D (Director of Research and Development of ZIS-DSKL BAZNAS RI); Dr. Zulkarnain Muhammad Ali, MSi (Director of Cooperation IAI Tazkia); Dr. Unang Fauzi Lc MEI (Dean of TAZKIA); Dr. Fakihudin, MA (Senior Lecturer of FAI Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah); Dr. Abdul Hadi LC (Senior Lecturer of FAI Universitas Islam As-Syafi'iyah); Mr. Grandis Imama Hendra (IAI Tazkia)—Online; Mrs. Dewi Febriani, M.AK; Mrs. R. Nurul Imaroh, ME; and Mr. Abdul Azis Yahya Saoqi, M.Sc.

This meeting took place to discuss the basic module (curriculum), the registration time for prospective students, and to examine the differences in time between countries. All participants in the coordination meeting were enthusiastic and highly appreciated the plan to organize this Zawouni. The discussion ran smoothly and ended with taking photos together.