On Friday, August 25, 2023, the Directorate of Research and Development of BAZNAS conducted a working visit to the University of Muhammadiyah Jakarta (UMJ) for the first Coordination Meeting of the 7th ICONZ.
In attendance to represent UMJ were Dr. Sopa, M.Ag, serving as the Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Religion, along with their team. Also present were Muhammad Choirin, Ph.D., in his capacity as the Head of the Research and Development Division, Abdul Aziz Yahya Saoqi, leading the Innovation and Creative Program Division, and other staff members from BAZNAS.
UMJ warmly welcomed the presence of the BAZNAS team. During this occasion, the BAZNAS team provided an explanation regarding the technical aspects of the 7th ICONZ and the roles of the committee. Furthermore, both BAZNAS and UMJ took the opportunity to inspect the venue designated for the 7th ICONZ event.
May the preparations and work for the 7th ICONZ proceed smoothly and be blessed.