On Thursday, August 31, 2023, a meeting between BAZNAS RI and Tazkia Islamic Institute was held online through a zoom meeting. the meeting aims to discuss the preparation of the World Zakat Performance Index (WZPI) Research and the World Zakat and Waqf Forum (WZWF) Documents. The meeting was attended by Institut Agama Islam Tazkia with as many as 5 participants and attended by BAZNAS RI from the Directorate of Studies and Development consisting of 7 participants.
The meeting was held for the first time aiming to discuss the PKS (Cooperation Agreement) of WZPI research and WZWF Documents. In addition, this meeting also discussed the timeline for implementing the collaboration which began in August until the end of December. As for the document, it is hoped that before the annual meeting on October 18-19 it will be completed.
The Statute discussion meeting is expected to make WZWF membership stronger, and be able to develop the practice of Zakat more broadly. In addition, WZWF can lead the zakat movement in Indonesia and the world.