On September 22, 2023, marked the last day of the National BAZNAS Coordination Meeting in 2023 with the theme "Integration of Zakat Management with the 3A Principles: Aman Syar’i, Aman Regulasi, Aman NKRI" at the Sultan Hotel, Central Jakarta. Based on the remarks given by Prof. Dr. KH. Noor Achmad, M.A. as the Chairman of the National Board of Zakat of the Republic Indonesia (BAZNAS RI), BAZNAS will continue to be optimistic about accompanying all mustahik (zakat recipients) to transform into muzaki (zakat payers) in Indonesia. The closing remarks were also delivered by Prof. Dr. H. Mohammad Mahfud, MD, S.H., S.U., M.I.P., as the Coordinating Minister for Political and Legal Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, emphasizing that religion and state are inseparable siblings, and one of the teachings in Islam is to eradicate poverty.
Several resolutions were agreed upon by all BAZNAS in Indonesia, including:
- Strengthening the institutional status of BAZNAS RI (The National Board of Zakat), BAZNAS Provincial, and BAZNAS District/City as non-structural government institutions (LNS) and achieving the integration of BAZNAS throughout Indonesia with all supporting elements in the zakat management ecosystem.
- Promoting digital transformation in four areas: institutional strengthening, infrastructure enhancement, human resource development, and network strengthening.
- Encouraging Governors, Regents, and Mayors to provide institutional, human resource, infrastructure, and financial support to BAZNAS Provincial and BAZNAS District/City.
- Recommending BAZNAS Provincial and BAZNAS Districts in new provinces and districts.
- Increasing the participation and active involvement of BAZNAS RI, BAZNAS Provincial, and BAZNAS District/City in national and regional development planning, particularly in agendas related to improving community welfare and poverty alleviation.
- Promoting the optimization of ZIS DSKL (Zakat, Infaq, and Sadaqah Management Information System) as an alternative funding source in development, in accordance with the principles of Aman Syar’i, Aman Regulasi, Aman NKRI.
- Advocating for the strengthening of BAZNAS institutions through the optimization of instructions from the Ministry of Home Affairs related to the allocation of APBN (State Budget) and/or APBD (Regional Budget) for BAZNAS RI, BAZNAS Provincial, and BAZNAS District/City.
- Agreeing on a national collection target of 41 trillion IDR in 2024.
- Setting a target of 64 million beneficiaries of the National Zakat and aiming to alleviate the national poverty of 1.1 million individuals by 2024.
- Prioritizing the distribution of ZIS-DSKL for extreme poverty eradication, reducing stunting prevalence, improving access and empowerment for disabled groups, providing access to the poor, and transforming mustahik into muzaki, especially in remote, outermost, and underdeveloped areas (3T).
- Promoting zakat management planning by making it a reference, transparent, and accountable control tool.
- Strengthening the standard service procedures and zakat management through the implementation of the BAZNAS Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) for professional and reliable zakat management.
- Enhancing the capacity, competence, and welfare of Amil Zakat (zakat officers) at all levels, including BAZNAS RI, BAZNAS Provincial, and BAZNAS District/City.
- Compiling and regularly presenting zakat management reports using the BAZNAS Information Management System (SiMBA) and submitting zakat management reports to the central and regional governments in accordance with the hierarchy.
- Ensuring the implementation of the 3 Aman principles by collaborating with the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the Attorney General's Office (Kejaksaan Agung), and the Police at all levels.
- Upholding the ethical code of Amil Zakat, strengthening internal control, and maintaining neutrality and independence in facing political years.
- Organizing Regional Coordination Meetings (Rakorda) led by BAZNAS Provincial together with BAZNAS District/City to follow up on the resolutions of the 2023 National Coordination Meeting and implement the collection, distribution, and utilization targets for 2024 discussed and agreed upon in the Pre-Rakornas and ratified in the Rakornas.