To appreciate the performance of the provincial and city/district BAZNAS offices, private zakat institutions (LAZ), and other stakeholders who have contributed significantly to Indonesia’s zakat management, this year, The National Board of Zakat of the Republic of Indonesia (BAZNAS RI) held the BAZNAS Awards 2024 on Thursday, February 29, 2024, at the Bidakara Hotel, Jakarta.

The event began with the singing of the national anthem, Indonesia Raya, and continued with the recitation of the holy Qur'an by Ust. Solihin Sobroni, Lc, M.Ag. The event continued with remarks from the Chairman of BAZNAS RI, Prof. Dr. K.H. Noor Achmad, M.A. In his remarks, he expressed his highest appreciation to the President of the Republic of Indonesia and the Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Ministers, Governors, Regents, and Mayors who have provided a lot of support to BAZNAS RI. Not to forget, he also expressed his appreciation to BAZNAS throughout Indonesia and the parties who have provided extraordinary strength in the management of zakat. The session continued with the keynote speech delivered by the representative of Bayt Zakat Wa As-Shadaqat, Mrs. Prof. Dr. Sahar Nasr.

The next session was the opening speech by the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. K.H. Yaqut Cholil Qoumas. In his remarks, he said that the BAZNAS Awards 2024 is not only a routine event but also a valuable moment that symbolizes appreciation and motivation for all individuals, institutions, and groups that have made valuable contributions to supporting various zakat, infaq, and sadaqah programs in Indonesia. The BAZNAS Awards 2024 event is a must as a reminder of the potential of zakat as a form of Islamic philanthropy that has a major impact in Indonesia. Through zakat, various aspects of life can be built, starting with the education sector, infrastructure development, and community economic empowerment. He hopes that this event can encourage innovation and creativity, expand and strengthen engagement and commitment, as well as increase accountability and transparency for all parties involved.

After the delivery of remarks as well as the opening by the Minister of Religious Affairs, the event then continued with a prayer led by the Chairman of the Indonesian Ulema Council, Mr. K.H. Anwar Iskandar. The next session was the awarding of figures and institutions that support zakat management. The event went smoothly and was filled with enthusiasm from the awardees.