Eid al-Fitr is about to arrive, Badan Amil Zakat Nasional (BAZNAS) has started distributing zakat fitrah, one of which is to 250 heads of beneficiary families (mustahik) in Mongol Village, Tegallega, Central Bogor District, Bogor City. The rice provided is premium rice purchased from farmers assisted by BAZNAS in various regions.
Leaders of BAZNAS RI Saidah Sakwan, MA., and Col. CAJ (Ret.) Drs. Nur Chamdani, as well as the Secretary of the Tegallega Village Head, Hj. Ida Nuraida, S. IP., directly distributed the aid.
The majority of residents in Mongol Village work as scavengers, beggars, buskers, and servants.
BAZNAS will also distribute zakat fitrah throughout Indonesia so that all people can feel the benefits and enjoyment of zakat.
(Source: BAZNAS Indonesia)